
Payment options

Payment is available though Stripe Worldpay. This is a globally recognised payment system which offers the best in internet security. Read more at

Alternatively we can accommodate bank transfers or Credit Card as long as its approved by contacting us by telephone on 08000886431 prior to checking out.

What if I encounter errors during check out?

If you encounter an error at check out please firstly try it again. You will not have any money taken from your account until you receive a 'payment complete' message and 'order confirmation' message on your screen. If you continue to receive any errors during checkout, please do not hesitate to contact us on messenger (via our facebook page @FatPigeonWine or contact us page on our website), by phone 08000886431 or by email on

Is this site secure?

Our site is secure and and maintained by our 3rd party hosts who ensure the latest  software is running and checked constantly for any security alerts.